Keyword Research

Niklas Brodd
August 15, 2024
SEO Columbus Ohio Blog
keyword research

Keyword research forms the bedrock of SEO. Imagine this: if no one is searching for your content, Google won't notice you, no matter how hard you work. That's why strategic keyword research is not just important—it's essential.

Think about it—in the digital world, what your audience wants and desires is your ticket to success. Here's the deal: finding the exact words that click with both your audience and search engines is the game-changer. It's not just about words; it's about grasping the soul of your market. So, buckle up, because in this article, we're going on a journey. Every click, every search, gets you closer to your victory. Ready to jump in?

Table of Content

Keyword Research 101

If you're new to the SEO game, you might be scratching your head about this whole 'keyword research' thing and why it's a big deal. Well, you're in the right place because we're about to break it down for you. But, if you're already a SEO Expert, feel free to jump ahead.

So, what exactly is keyword research?

Keyword research is like this detective work you do to find out what people are typing into Google when they're on the hunt for stuff – be it products, services, or just some good old info.

And why does keyword research matter?

Here's the scoop: if you write a fantastic article about something nobody's searching for, it's like shouting into the void; no one's going to hear you, especially not Google. In fact, according to an study, a whopping 90.63% of pages on the internet get zero love from Google, and that's because they missed the keyword memo.

Keyword research is your secret weapon. It helps you figure out what people actually want to know about. So, when your page ranks high on Google, you'll have a steady flow of interested visitors checking out what you have to offer. Pretty cool, right?

But wait, there's more! 😉 Keyword research equips you with invaluable search data that can help you address fundamental questions such as:

  • How many people are searching for this?
  • In what format do they prefer to access that information?

And when you unravel how your target audience searches for your content, you open up a whole new realm of strategic SEO possibilities.

Before You Begin: Ask Questions

Alright, before we dive into the whole SEO thing and turbocharge your business, we've got to get down to basics. Who are you? Who are your customers? And what are you trying to achieve? It might sound like a no-brainer, but trust me, many people skip this step, thinking it's a time-waster. I mean, why spend time on something you think you already know, right?

Well, here's the thing: what keywords you want to rank for and what your customers are actually looking for can be miles apart. Oftentimes, it's like speaking a different language. That's why focusing on your audience is the secret sauce. You've got to understand them inside out. And that's where keyword research comes into play—it's like your backstage pass to the hearts and minds of your customers.

Let's say you own a trendy coffee joint in Columbus Ohio. You're all set to conquer the search rankings, but first, you've got to know your customers. Asking the right questions is your game-changer:

  • What coffee, snacks, and treats are people hunting for?
  • Who's searching for these goodies?
  • Are there seasonal trends?
  • How do they search, what words do they use, and what questions do they ask?
  • Mobile or desktop?
  • Local, national, or international?
  • The grand finale: how do you take this info and create content that hooks your audience?

These questions aren't just a checklist; they're your North Star, guiding you toward SEO success and standout content.

How To Identify Killer Search Terms

So, you've got some keywords in mind – your products, services, or site topics. Great! These are your starting points. Pop them into a keyword research tool to unveil their monthly search volume and related keywords. We'll delve deeper into search volume in a bit, but for now, this helps spot the popular keyword variations.

Take your coffee joint, for example. Plug in "coffee," and you'll find gems like

  • Cappuccino
  • Espresso
  • French press
  • etc

But here's the kicker: some of these get more love than others. While chasing the popular ones can be very valuable long-term, don't sleep on the less-popular ones – they're your secret weapon. Less competition, more rewards. Cool, right?

Navigating the Challenges

Now, let's talk search volume and effort. More searches for a keyword mean a tougher climb. That's what we call 'keyword difficulty' (often abbreviated 'KD') and it's a big deal. When search pages are jam-packed with stuff like snippets and carousels, it's a sign of a challenging climb. Big brands normally hog the top 10 results for these high-traffic keywords, making it hard for newcomers. That's why going for less popular keywords can be smart. And here's a pro tip: "long-tail" keywords can be game-changers.

Mastering the Long-Tail Advantage

Long-tail keywords have fewer monthly searches and are longer and more specific. Take "coffee" – a 'head' keyword with 9.4 million searches. Compare that to "which coffee roast has the highest caffeine" – a long-tail keyword with just 10 searches.

Keyword research examples for coffee
Keyword research: keyword vs long-tail

Sure, those tiny volume keywords won't flood your site with traffic, but they add up. Targeting a hundred of them can bring you a steady stream of highly targeted visitors.

And guess what? Long-tail keywords often mean more valuable traffic. Searchers using them are specific in their intent. Someone searching for "bikinis" might be browsing, but "red bikini with white polka dots size small" screams 'ready to buy.' So, those long-tail gems? Don't underestimate their power!

Keyword Research is About Pages, Not Websites

Before we go any further, let's clarify something: entire websites don't rank for keywords – it's the individual pages that do the heavy lifting. Sure, big players might have their homepage in the keyword VIP club, hogging top rankings on multiple keywords, but for most of us, it's a very different story. Our website's traffic? It's spread across different pages, not just the homepage. That's why each of your pages need its own SEO strategy and keyword research to make it shine.

Strategic Search Volume Analysis

Once you've uncover relevant terms and their associated search volumes, it's time level up your game by diving into competitors strategies and understanding how searches may vary seasonally or by location.

Gear Up for Victory

Alright, SEO warriors, it's time to strategize for triumph! On one front, we're uncovering those hidden gems, the secret keywords our rivals missed. But that's not all; we're also storming the battlefield, going head-to-head to conquer specific keywords.

This is not just optimization; it's a tactical assault. We're rewriting content, adding fresh twists to known keywords, and claiming our victory, one keyword at a time. This is more than SEO; this is a strategic conquest. So, gear up, sharpen your wit, and dominate.

Riding the Seasonal Wave

Ever noticed how seasons shape what people search for? Sticking with our coffee theme, take the keyword "pumpkin spice latte". It is a hot topic in Columbus Ohio in the fall, but it barely generates any traffic the rest of the year.

Keyword research showing a graph with the seasonal variation in the number of people searching for the keyword "pumpkin spice latte" in Columbus, Ohio.
Keyword research showing seasonal variation in the number of people searching for the keyword "pumpkin spice latte" in Columbus, Ohio

The secret sauce here is to prepare tailored content well in advance and then give it a real boost when you get closer to the peak months.

The Local Flavor

Let's talk local vibes! Imagine your coffee joint is rocking it in Columbus, Ohio, but falling behind in Portland, OR and Seattle, WA. No sweat, you can get super specific with your keyword research game. Just narrow in on towns, counties, or states in the Google Keyword Planner. This way, you can adjust your content and let it speak directly to your local crowd. For example, in Portland, 'pour-over' brews are the buzz, while in Seattle, it's all about 'single-origin espresso.' When you generate content for both these local tastes, you will stick out in each city and will become as unique as each city's vibe. It's like brewing up a blend that matches the pulse of each neighborhood. Here's to staying local-savvy! ☕

Matching Content to Search Intent

Ever wonder how Google figures out what you’re looking for? It's all about intent – whether you want to know something (find information), do something (accomplish a goal), visit a website (find a website), or visit a place in person (locating a local business). Understanding these vibes ensures your content really hits the mark with searchers.

Let's dive into these 5 major categories a little deeper:

  1. Informational Queries: These searchers seek information, such as the name of a football player or the score in the latest game.
  2. Navigational Queries: Searchers who want to access a particular website, such as Apple or Youtube.
  3. Transactional Queries: These searchers aim to perform an action, such as purchasing a new phone or watch a movie.
  4. Commercial Investigation: Searchers who want to compare products and determine which one is the best for their specific needs.
  5. Local Queries: These searchers look for local services or businesses, such as nearby coffee shops or car mechanics.

Understanding searcher intent is therefore vital when creating content that resonates with your audience. Surveying the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) landscape for your target keyword provides valuable insights into what users expect. Google has analyzed trillions of searches, determining the most desired content for specific keyword searches. For example, a search like "sweaters" results in a shopping carousel, indicating that many users searching for sweaters are looking to make a purchase online. Understanding these vibes ensures your content really hits the mark with searchers.

Tools for Keyword Research

Understanding how valuable a keyword can be for your website is key. Luckily, there are some handy tools out there to help you out:

  1. Google Keyword Planner: This one’s a classic. It's been a go-to for SEO keyword research for a while. It gives you search volume data, although sometimes it's a bit broad.
  2. Google Trends: Think of this as your keyword weather report. It helps you spot those trends, plan your content around what's hot, and stay relevant.
  3. AnswerThePublic: Ever wondered what questions people ask about your keyword? This tool spills the beans. It's like having a direct line to what's on people's minds.
  4. SpyFu Keyword Research Tool: Feeling a bit sneaky? SpyFu lets you peek at your competitors' strategies. It’s like looking through their playbook, helping you understand what they're up to.

With these tools in your kit, you'll be armed with the insights you need to conquer the keyword research world! 🚀


So, there you have it—the ins and outs of keyword research, your SEO superpower! By understanding what makes your audience tick, choosing the perfect keywords, and crafting content that speaks their language, you're not just boosting your website's visibility; you're creating a genuine connection. Remember, this isn't a one-shot deal; it's a journey. Trends change, people's needs evolve, and that's where your adaptability shines. Stay sharp, keep tweaking, and soon, you'll find your website soaring to the top of search engine charts. With the right keywords and a deep understanding of your audience, you're well on your way to SEO greatness.

For those looking to improve their SEO, check out our SEO in Columbus Ohio page for tailored strategies and services that can help you dominate the search rankings. Happy researching and here's to your website's success! 🌟

Frequently Asked Questions

What is keyword research, and why is it important for SEO?
How does keyword research benefit my website?
How do I conduct effective keyword research for my website?
Why is it crucial to align content with search intent?
Can you provide examples of long-tail keywords and explain their significance in SEO?

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